During this weekend's intense astronomical events, we can begin to expand our imagination on the many traditions and practices taking place. As our Sun begins to travel into Libra and our Moon into a full Moon in Aries, we can start pursuing our inner equilibrium and independence.
As the power of the Harvesting Moon shines its light and the equinox manifests. We are responsible for searching diligently for the silence in spirit. A sense of void that will provide a clear vision and transparent intuition when organizing the many aspects of our lives. If you are wanting to harmonize your mind and put things in order, make sure to find a comfortable space and moment in time in where you can connect to mother Gaia and her wisdom.
A good feast of "Thanksgiving" celebration in the company of family and friends is suitable for the present times. To give recognition to the blessings harvested during the year is a tradition that was established by our ancestors. And with good cause provides us with the expression of gratitude which is fundamental to the application of the law of attraction. So if you are interested in raking up anything more than what you already have, this is recommended for you. You may also set up an altar outdoors and leave offerings to the spirits and magical beings surrounding the area.
A key point to acknowledge during this weekend's energy shifts is to see the presence of the fire element. Which will be pushing us now to activate our drive, our persistence, our aggressive and self-reliant nature. A nature that can enhance our productivity and help develop personal character.
If you are preparing any amulets, prepare amulets that resemble grounding, protection, and effective communication. Especially now that Mercury is entering Libra as well. The moment is openly providing the capability to communicate with the universe and all planes profoundly. So if you are into divination, these are great moments to fetch your cards and scrying mirrors.
Good luck and may your workings be fruitful Abra
Miccaletto Ehnub Yaida Gmicalz Vovina